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Deep Cleaning Services in Phoenix, AZ

A routine cleaning is nice, but a deep cleaning conducted by professional cleaning specialists is unparalleled. The Perfectionist Cleaning Services offers in-depth deep cleaning services that tackle the challenging aspects of maintaining a fresh, pleasantly scented home free of germs, grime, and bacteria. We use state-of-the-art equipment, eco-friendly cleaners, and unrivaled passion to turn your home into a crisp, clean oasis.

lady cleaning a window

Signs Your Home Needs a Deep Clean

Several signs indicate your home would benefit from a deep cleaning, such as:

  • Unwanted odors
  • Stained doors, floors, and walls
  • Dust, dirt, or grime build-up
  • Surfaces appear dull
  • Constant allergies
  • Rusty doors and windows

Our deep cleaning services focus on rectifying all these unpleasant occurrences so you can live better.

Our Deep Cleaning Services

We offer an array of deep cleaning services that tackle more than just the surface level of mopping floors and dusting shelves. Our house deep cleaning services pay careful attention to every component of a room. We thoroughly vacuum, mop, dust, sanitize, wipe down, and remove trash, leaving you with flawless results.


As one of the most frequently used rooms in a home, it’s no question why kitchens accumulate the most dirt and stains. Our kitchen deep cleaning covers the standard elements of a cleaning service with the addition of precise appliance, tile, and cabinet cleaning to remove any sign of stains, grease, and dirt, leaving you with a brand-new kitchen.


Cleaning the bathroom is one of the most dreaded necessities homeowners face. Our premier bathroom deep cleaning removes all the built-up grime, soap scum, mold, and bacteria that reside in bathrooms. Our specialists take bathroom cleaning the extra mile with specialized tools and techniques to sanitize your space effectively, leaving no area left untouched.


We often forget the amount of dust and dirt that hides above our picture frames, within our lampshades, on our doorknobs and in the upholstery of our beds. Our bedroom deep cleaning prioritizes the spaces that retain dirt and bacteria within your bedroom so you can sleep
better at night.

Living Room

When you get home after a long day, nothing sounds better than plopping down on the couch for some time with the family. However, due to the excessive use of living rooms, they are often riddled with germs and bacteria. Our living room deep cleaning combats the build-up of unwanted dirt and odors, ensuring every inch of the room is cleaned to the highest standards.

Kids Playroom

The active, adventurous nature of children tends to be the leading cause of dirt and germs being tracked through your home. Our deep cleaning service sanitizes your child’s play area with a keen emphasis on often-forgotten germ magnets within a playroom, creating a safe, clean space for your child to enjoy.


A clean space allows you to be more productive. Our office deep cleaning clears the hidden bacteria and dust from your keyboard, computer, and other high-touch surfaces, enabling you to do your best work in an immaculate environment.

Deep Cleaning Service FAQs

We’ve compiled frequently asked questions to provide further insight into the valuable deep cleaning service we provide.

How Long Does a Deep Cleaning Service Take?

Our professionals work efficiently and utilize high-quality materials to ensure a prompt cleaning time. However, the exact time it will take to complete your deep cleaning will depend on the details of the project, such as the state of your home and the number of rooms we will be focusing on.

How Much Does a Deep Cleaning Service Cost?

The cost of your deep cleaning depends on the scope of the job. Contributing factors include the condition of your space, the size of the area, the equipment required, unique features that require specialized attention, and any animals in your home. You can contact our friendly team for a free quote.

Why Is It Beneficial to Hire a Professional Deep Cleaning Service?

Professional cleaners have the expertise and skill to remove stuck-on dirt, grime, and mold that homeowners may find difficult and time-consuming to do independently. A cleaning specialist can make sound decisions that preserve the integrity of your home while ensuring no mess is left behind. Customers who have trusted our deep cleaning service can vouch that the results are unmatched.

A Lady Cleaning a Sink in Phoenix, AZ

A Perfect Home With the Perfectionist Cleaning Services

A spotless, fresh-scented home takes more than a quick vacuum. The Perfectionist Cleaning Services offers comprehensive cleaning solutions to satisfy minor and complex needs. Whether you need a full clean before moving, stains removed from your carpet, a refresh on your sofas, or in-depth tile, grout, or window cleaning, our team has the skills and know-how to make it happen!

Let’s Restore Your Comfort

A comfortable home is a clean home, and with the help of the cleaning specialists at The Perfectionist Cleaning Services, you can get back to enjoying your cozy abode without hassle or shame. Our fully licensed, bonded, and insured team is here to restore order in your living space whenever you need us. Request an appointment for your cleaning service today.

Schedule a Cleaning Appointment Today