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What Our Customers Say

Maid Services for Any Room

No one knows home cleaning as we do! At The Perfectionist Home Services, we're prepared to tackle just about anything, cleaning your property from top to bottom. With our help, no stone goes unturned; in addition to standard services, we also offer carpet and upholstery services, grout and tile cleaning, pressure washing, and even little touches like pot shelves, ceiling fans, and high windows. Our minivans are fully equipped so we're able to access any hard-to-reach places or stubborn stains. We’re stocked and ready to roll against any space in need of heavy cleaning.

Move In and Move out Services

Whether you are renting a home or apartment and need a thorough cleaning to get your deposit back or are a realtor or property manager needing a clean home for your new residents moving in, our team is always available to perform affordable move in and move out cleaning services in Phoenix and Scottsdale, AZ. Our employees offer exceptional customer service by thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing all areas of your house or apartment. We have great relationships with realtors and property managers throughout the state who have us continually providing cleaning services on their properties.

Cleaning on Your Schedule

At The Perfectionist, we realize that no two homes are exactly the same. That's why we're available to clean on your schedule, with appointments available weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Convenient scheduling is one of our tenants of top-tier customer service. When we come to your home for your free consultation, we'll perform a full walk-through, evaluating problem areas or areas in need of regular assistance to create a custom quote and recommended timeline ensuring your home is always up to par. Just let us know how we can help and we'll do the rest. Call today at 602-493-1233 for a clean you can trust!